Friday, July 10, 2020

How to get a good personality?

  😎   Personality  

Meaning- the stable set of characteristics , connection of emotions, behaviour of pattern, thoughts which makes a person unique.

Types of personality~

1~outer personality 

2~inner personality

Which personality is important~

By the way, you should focus more on your inner personality. But according to today's era, your outer personality is also important. So keep the focus on both outer and inner personality. But till you do not correct your inner personality, you cannot create your permanent image in the mind of the people.

Why do people have poor personality~

 1- Because they do not have knowledge and information at all. 

2- lack of self attitude, self respect 

3- Due to poor environment around them or poor nature of people, their personality is also poor.

Outer personality

1-the outer personality is physical view of a person.

2- expressions.

3-type of wearing clothes.

4- physical structure of body.

5- attractiveness.

6- body language

Inner personality-  

inner personality includes,,

 1- Way of thinking.

2- Type of communication skills

3- Point of view.

4- Structure /nature of body.

How to improve personality ~

1- You have to understand yourself, understand others, what others want from you, how to give them. How to keep them happy, how to keep yourself happy. 

2- This is the next step, in this you have to learn how to communicate, how to speak before someone, how to get a good nature between public. 

3- Stay current, stay active towards the present situation like - You should have news knowledge of your city or nation and prepare your own opinion. 

4-always learning something new Means keep developing yourself. 

5- Don't show off, keep focus on yourself, people will come to you. 

6- Keep a self-respect of yourself. Keep a self-attitude towards yourself.

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