Friday, July 3, 2020

What is mind set and how to have a good mind set?

       🧠 Mind set 🧠     

{Everyone  has the Grouth to ability to achieve anything in his life from a good mind set} 

Meaning--  The general  Attitude of a person or fixed ideas on the basis of this they take their actions.
Their are two types of mind sets exists in human being (according to science)

1-Fixed mind-set          ( found in most of the peoples)

2-Grouth mind-set        ( found in few peoples)
  • {➸ lets make it interesting }

You have to choose your mind set based on the definition given below. Because this contain all thinkings of perticular mindset-

1} fixed mind-set ↔️

1) People with fixed minds think that people who Fails are not talented. 

2) You think you are perfect. And don't like others .

3) In front of other people, they are engaged in maintaining or respecting themselves. 

4) They think that their ability is limited. 

5) If someone else is successful in their field, then they start jealous from it. 

2} Grouth mind-set↔️

1) - People with growth mindset combine love and praise to their hard work. 

2) These people like to listen the praise of their hard work more than themselves.

 3) It is always greatfull about everything he have.

 4) People of this mind set do not get jealous of the success of others but take inspiration from them.

•How to change mind set--- Two ways

1- quality of thinking

2- it can be changed through experiences and information

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