Saturday, July 25, 2020

        `being aWinner`

Meaning-   In any field, in a match or competition, the person who gives the best, is called the winner.  (Although there are many definitions of winner, it is the best).

Craze of winners-  

People of today's time Want to win by doing anything. In today's life, empty winners are given importance, everyone wants to ignore the Want to win by doing anything. Nowadays people give importance to the winners, they want to ignore the failure. This is all because winners win their work with lots of updated techniques and hard work while failures Due to low interest or updated hardwork and techniques they are not able to use them completely, they have to face defeat. 

Are failed people unable to do anything further in life?   - It is a myth that the failed people cannot do anything further in their lives. Rather, the failure people should be happy that they got the things that they cannot win. If the failed people work with their minds, observe their defeat, so that they can be much better than before.   

              One should never be unhappy with a failure. Now-a-days people come into depression due to failure. Many people think of suicidal due to anxiety of failure.

how to be a winner all the time-   

There are some tips and techniques by which we can become winners every time in life. ~~

1-   If you want to become a winner in any field, competition, etc., you should have a lot of interest in that work. Even if your interest is not there, make interest. 

2- To be a winner in life one has to stop fearing defeat. A true winner is never afraid of losing. After this, the passion to win is enough to become a winner. 

3- If you have to win you have to become a winner then you should have a confidence(Self respect, attitude, esteemeness) towards victory. A great person has said that `if you want to win in the outside world, then you will have to be yourself`. That is, you have to clear that you will be win.


Thursday, July 23, 2020

Haw to become a mastermind?


Meaning -  A mastermind is one who does his work in the right way And be the most tolerant of it but never get fed up with that work. 

 a person who supplies the directing or creative intelligence for a project. mastermind. verb. masterminded; masterminding; masterminds.

How to become a mastermind-  

here I gave you the top 8 ways to be a mastermind 

•1- Curiosity - Be curious, try to know everything, only how is it, why you will be as curios as you are in your film, you will continue to become a mastermind in that field. If you are curios in something and you cannot find its answer, then do not feel sad, Rather, you should be proud of yourself that you thought about it in a serious way. 

•2- demonstration--  In this topic, I mean use your five senses completely. For example, 
•when you are eating food, test it while eating, eat it and do not eat to fill an empty stomach. 
•When you touch someone or touch something, feel it with full touch. 
I mean to say that use your 5 senses completely. And the creation of information comes from ``Leonardo da Vinchi`` , one of the world's most masterminds. from this technique you understanding power Will increase to a great extent.

- Always keep thinking creatively, keep thinking, accumulating empty information does nothing,, Rather, use that information to show some new thinking, whether to show something new is the hallmark of creative people, creative people are mostly successful.

 • 4Mind set - To be a mastermind, you need the best mindset. 

5- Belief system-- A good bailiff system is very important. belief system, that is the reason why we give our view on some thing or take our actions, all these things are only due to the belief system.
Any mastermind is able to give his best in his own works because of a good belief system.

 • 6Activeness

 - A mastermind always keeps his mind active because lazers are weak from both inside and outside. Mastermind people do their work with activeness. Active is one such thing that can finish any work in a good way. And in today's society, active people are also given more recognition.

 • 7- clearity of mind - To become a mastermind, you have to keep your mind for what you want to do, you will have to pay attention to what you are doing. You have to keep your thoughts very clear.

 • 8- Self esteem- a true mastermind never lets himself bow to the right thing. The mastermind never speaks with fear, That is, he is never afraid .That's why you need Self Steam Self Respect and Grouth attitude.

Why most of the people's are fool
Many people are stupid because they don't think of doing anything, they don't think of anything big. He is always engaged to give satisfaction to himself so that his present comfort becomes a punishment for the future.

Why Master mind people are famous in public-- Mastermind people have great respect in today's age because in today's difficult life only mastermind people are able to servive. And keep giving our best. Because of this, everybody wants to be like them.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

How to be a positive person ?

        N     Positivity 

Meaning -  
positivity is to have a good and accurate point of view of any situation or event etc.

Why positivity is necessary ~

Positivity is very much needed because a positive person will always see the same things that help him to be successful or happy. Which will attract people and will be able to do a lot in a short time. A positive thinking person can never give wrong advice to anyone. 

Why most of peoples are not positive~

1- Most people are not positive because very bad things happen together in their life, due to which they feel that good things happen very little and due to this, others also go on to make them negative.

2-- Negative people are afraid of being wrong or of failure, and those who are afraid of failure can be positive in very few chances.

How to bring positivity in us ~

1-feel your freedom - Feel your freedom, that is, the way you are moving, you are able to see, you are able to talk and enjoy them, assuming them to be freedom.

2- live in present - Live in the present i.e. what has happened to you, forget what is going to happen and focus on what you are doing. Observe your thoughts.

3- spread happiness- If you have to calm your mind and always be happy, then you have to keep others happy, always keep such an attitude that people will make you happy.

4- free from all worries-  You have to be free from all worries and for that you have to accept the truth that everything is temperate.

5- Power of smile- Believe me that if you do a small smile from the heart, then 90% of your thoughts are positive. This science has also accepted that a smile done by a heart will remove all your worries. Can bring positivity .

6- Power of view-point - every situation has two things. One positivity or second negativity depends on which side you look. If you look at the positivity, then all is positive with you.

7- Power of words - If you speak only positive words from your mouth then negative things can never happen to you. You must know an eternal truth that what happens is for good.


How to overcome stress?


MEANING--   To be unhappy for some reason, and to To be unhappy for some reason, and to blame oneself or another is stress.

Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. It can come from any event or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry, or nervous. 

Why should stay away from Stress -

1 - Nothing is done by taking stress and then all the work should be spoiled during the stress. 

 2- Sometimes during stress we feel ourselves guilty due to which we get angry on ourselves and we take steps like suicide and torture ourselves. Which is completely baseless and wrong.

3 - due to stress, our work in the future gets spoiled.

4- Nobody always likes people living in stress.

5- Due to stress, our  blood pressure becomes high due to which the chances of heart attack are increase.

6- Science has prove that at the time of stress in our mind  70% thoughts are negative. 

How did we stay away from stress?

1- Positive thinking is the only and the major way to stay away from stress.

2- Self respect , Self Attitude are the some things which increases the confidence . And stress and confidence can never co-exist.

3- Stay in positive environment and always try to stay and learn from positive persons. 

4- if you want to stay away from stress then you must have to know the universal truth and that is "EVERYTHING IS TEMPORARY".

5- stay away or ignore negative peoples.

6- Always try to focus on good things . And learn something new in free time .

7- No situation is bad unless you consider it bad. So always look at the positive side in every situation

Why does stress comes in us--

There are lots of reason for arrival of stress. Like the stress of studies, the stress of getting cheated by the loved ones ..  etc

So from all this we know that when we expect something and that thing cant happens which affects our mind. And comes in the form of stress...  So we have to reduce our expectations so that stress does not come.

How to overcome stress??

1- plan your day-  Plan your day and activities peacefully.
So that you will not get entangled in useless works. Which will make your day well spent. Because of your busyness, chances of stress .

2- Get more rest - When you rest yourself then your works in a good way . So the stress starts decreasing . 

3- Talk your situation to someone - when you say your bad situation to some then  your mind gets lighter. And try to take a good advice from them.. If you cannot tell your situation to anyone, then try to give advice to yourself with  peacefullness And convince yourself that everything will be alright. With a  positive attitude.

4-Meditation -  According to scientists Meditation keeps our mind completely calm in every situation.. And shows the right path 

5- Exercise - From Exercise Our bad energy is converted into good things. Exercise is responsible for calming our brain as well as gives the power to take right direction.

6- Point of view - `` situation has no meaning , you gives Meaning to situation`` your situation is good or bad,,
it depends on your thinking. So always you have a good point of view.

7- take it easy - If you always consider everything as easy, then it will become easy, so always stay in relief status.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

How to be a creative person ?


Meaning -  In any topic or situation, the feeling of creating something new through skills or unique  imagination  is called creativity.
Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others.

Why creativity is necessary in today's time~
1- With creativity you can achieve success very quickly.

2- Due to your creativity you can remain popular among people.

3- Creativity is very important in today's era.

4- With creativity you make your unique identity .

5- With creativity, you have a lot of work done quickly and well.

How to be a creative person~~
Some easy tips ⤵️

1- Play brain games in which you will have to use your brain like - chess.

2- be curious - try to learn something or gather knowledge through which creative ideas will put you.

3- Play musical instruments and if you do not know how to play then try to learn. It is scientifically proven that musical instruments have strengthened neural connections. 

4- Always sleep properly. 

5 - in free time ,Do  drawing or photography in such a way that show your creativity. 

6- Always try to think well and different from other people.

7- Stay with creative people and learn how they think. 

Why can't some people become creative~~

1- Such people have lack of awareness.

2- Such people do not try to improve themselves.
3- These people lack of self-esteem. 

4- This people wants to be a part of the crowd, i.e. they will do whatever all people do.

Benefits of being creative person 😉 ~~

1- The biggest benefit of creativity is that creative people are supreme among others .

2- creativity encourage independent thinking.

3- it brings self descipline, self esteem etc .

4- creativity develops problem solving skills.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

How to get rid of addiction ?



Meaning --  too much of anything.
                The thing you do repeatedly to give yourself a temporary relax is called Addiction. 

There are two types of reasons through we addicted~

1 - An addiction that causes by stress.

2- And the second is when we inadvertently take it from the people around us. 

Why it is necessary to get rid of Addiction~

1- Addiction is  a disease that is ruining the lives of many people. 

2- Due to addition, we should not be able to give time to those works which we should give time. 

3- Due to addiction people slowly- slowly move from family and friend, which makes them fall alone. 

4-People have lost a lot of their important time because of addicted things.

 Some information to understand the addiction to help to get rid of this~~

1- We can call addiction to bad things, but regular habit to good things  is not addiction.

2- anyone can't get rid  within a one day ,it will take some amount of time to quit. 

3- You will need a lot of patience to leave it.
4- Many times you will be make mistakes in leaving it, but you will have to ignore them.

 Scientific tips to get rid of addiction~~

1-There is no need to erase the habit to change it; if new one good habit comes, it will disappear.

2- Plan your day. This will prevent you from moving towards addicted things. 

3- Keep clarity towards your work i.e. keep your mind clear. 

4- Think ahead, that is, keep the information of loss and harm  due to Addicted Things.

5- Learn some new interesting things, that is, try some new things like - shayari, dialogue writing, and whatever you like

Friday, July 10, 2020

How to get a good personality?

  😎   Personality  

Meaning- the stable set of characteristics , connection of emotions, behaviour of pattern, thoughts which makes a person unique.

Types of personality~

1~outer personality 

2~inner personality

Which personality is important~

By the way, you should focus more on your inner personality. But according to today's era, your outer personality is also important. So keep the focus on both outer and inner personality. But till you do not correct your inner personality, you cannot create your permanent image in the mind of the people.

Why do people have poor personality~

 1- Because they do not have knowledge and information at all. 

2- lack of self attitude, self respect 

3- Due to poor environment around them or poor nature of people, their personality is also poor.

Outer personality

1-the outer personality is physical view of a person.

2- expressions.

3-type of wearing clothes.

4- physical structure of body.

5- attractiveness.

6- body language

Inner personality-  

inner personality includes,,

 1- Way of thinking.

2- Type of communication skills

3- Point of view.

4- Structure /nature of body.

How to improve personality ~

1- You have to understand yourself, understand others, what others want from you, how to give them. How to keep them happy, how to keep yourself happy. 

2- This is the next step, in this you have to learn how to communicate, how to speak before someone, how to get a good nature between public. 

3- Stay current, stay active towards the present situation like - You should have news knowledge of your city or nation and prepare your own opinion. 

4-always learning something new Means keep developing yourself. 

5- Don't show off, keep focus on yourself, people will come to you. 

6- Keep a self-respect of yourself. Keep a self-attitude towards yourself.

Jealousy why unknowingly lives in us?

         😒   ~Jealousy ~ 😒

•Meaning~ `being unhappy with someone's achivement and feeling vernarable is jealousy.` Jealousy generally refers to the thoughts or feelings of insecurity, fear, and concern over a relative lack of possessions or safety. Jealousy can consist of one or more emotions such as anger, resentment, inadequacy, helplessness or disgust.

•Why does it happens ~ The main reason are - 
1- Low self - Esteem .

2- Not happy with ourselves.

•why Jealousy shouldn't be inside you?-

1- You can never be satisfied with yourself and others.

2 - Success and Jealousy are both different things ,they can't live together. 

3- We ruin ourselves with Jealousy. 

4- Jealousy is the cause of evilness. 

5- Jealousy Born the Blameness.

how to get rid of JEALOUSY -

1- Jealousy is burnt by learning from incidents, experiences and bad times.

2- You must have to accept yourself.

3- Keep the learning attitude.

4- You have to understand yourself that the person you are jealous of, maybe that person has worked harder than you.

5- always be think positive.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

What is belief system?

       ` Belief-system`

•Meaning~ Feeling of certainty, feeling of permanence...
 A belief system is an ideology or set of principles that helps us to interpret our everyday reality. This could be in the form of religion, political affiliation, philosophy, or spirituality, among many other things. These beliefs are shaped and influenced by a number of different factors.

•Power of belief system ~
 For understanding power of belief system, we have to see some examples--

1)~ Till 1950, it was believed that 1500 meters race could not be done before 4 minutes, but a few years after 1950, a doctor named `Roger Bannister ` came. He completed 1500 meters before 4 minutes and then this Believed among the people It has become that this record can be broken, so it is surprising that in just 1 year, 200 new athletes broke this record. this Only and only belief system is the reason.

2)~ Before 2010 it was recognized that no one can score 200 runs in one day International but after 2010 Sachin Tendulkar surprised everyone by scoring a double century and exactly 1 year later many cricketers scored a double century like Rohit Sharma, Virender Sehwag, Chris Gayle . All this has also happened due to the belief system.

How to create a belief system ~  

According to scientists - To change or create the belief system we have to focus on the sub-concious mind. Meaning that the kind of thoughts that we will put in the sub- councious mind will create belief system and our actions will be based on that belief system. And in order to program the sub-concious mind, we just have to believe that we have achieved what we want.
Some Pro tips for good belief system~
1-Keep the environment as you want the belief system.

2-Believe your thoughts .

3- keep thinking of what you want to achieve .

4- do guided meditation .

how to change belief system~~ 

1)- Collect positive information.

2)- See the positive side of everything

3)- Read books , biographies etc.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

All questions regarding shyness.


  • [1.1] Meaning->  shyness is the only one who runs away from negative social negotiations.Shy-ness (also called diffidence) is the feeling of apprehension, lack of comfort, or awkwardness especially when a person is around other people.

[1.2] -  Main causes of shyness -->

1 -  Shyness comes from Bad experiences .

2- it should come from fear of being fool in front of peoples.

3- the main reason for this is the negative way of thinking.

  4- Making the mistake of thinking of yourself as weak.

   5- not having good communication skills.

[1.3]- Is shyness good or bad ??. 
                - Shyness is a weakness in the behavior of today's society. Today's society appreciates those people who get mixed up quickly. You have to finish Shyness to create a good image of yourself. Shy peoples can't express themselves. So ' shyness is Bad.

[1.4] - Steps to overcome shyness. --> 
1 - Fight the rejections with positive attitude. 

2 - increase communication skills.
  3-    Be among the people.don't try to run away from them.

 4- Prepare conversation in mind before talking.

 5- Consider yourself perfect Whatever you are, be perfect. 

Friday, July 3, 2020

What is mind set and how to have a good mind set?

       🧠 Mind set 🧠     

{Everyone  has the Grouth to ability to achieve anything in his life from a good mind set} 

Meaning--  The general  Attitude of a person or fixed ideas on the basis of this they take their actions.
Their are two types of mind sets exists in human being (according to science)

1-Fixed mind-set          ( found in most of the peoples)

2-Grouth mind-set        ( found in few peoples)
  • {➸ lets make it interesting }

You have to choose your mind set based on the definition given below. Because this contain all thinkings of perticular mindset-

1} fixed mind-set ↔️

1) People with fixed minds think that people who Fails are not talented. 

2) You think you are perfect. And don't like others .

3) In front of other people, they are engaged in maintaining or respecting themselves. 

4) They think that their ability is limited. 

5) If someone else is successful in their field, then they start jealous from it. 

2} Grouth mind-set↔️

1) - People with growth mindset combine love and praise to their hard work. 

2) These people like to listen the praise of their hard work more than themselves.

 3) It is always greatfull about everything he have.

 4) People of this mind set do not get jealous of the success of others but take inspiration from them.

•How to change mind set--- Two ways

1- quality of thinking

2- it can be changed through experiences and information

         ` being a Winner` Meaning-    In any field, in a match or competition, the person who gives the best, is called the winner.  (Altho...